Just after Christmas I took a wintery walk to search for snow and to reflect on a challenging year.
That's when the idea came to me that I do lots of my best thinking when I'm out in nature, so here's a rambling (pardon the pun!) about things I wonder when I wander.
Almost every step in the frosty Peak District was a gentle reminder that connecting with the outdoors has brought clarity and calmness to the mind and that has kept me grounded all year - my go to self-therapy is always movement outdoors.
Beauty in the environment is not a paradigm of perfection but instead, a shining, raw example that loveliness exists in the most unexpected places.
Setting intentions for the year ahead was more difficult than usual. Going through the pandemic that brought a year of surprises, I don't think I'm alone in not wanting to expect much at all, but in the interest of manifesting positivity and hopefulness, I did set a few.
↟ continuation of a life at a slower pace
↟ read more, worry less
↟ have a proactive attitude
↟ practice daily gratitude
↟ find happiness in small things
↟ move for your mind
As 2021 began and we were hit with lockdown 3.0, future plans felt far away, I was grateful to have snatched a little time drinking a good brew on my local hills.
◌ sit back, breathe deep and take it all in ◌